Reading Create Task 9 Week

Hi blogger😀

In reading we had to make a flow chart about our gifted garden (the book)

It’s all about people who competed in a flower show I didn’t even know the flower show until I read this book it’s a really good book

This was fun because I love nature and flowers and I like flowcharts

Hope you have a good day✌

Reading Create Task Week 8 2024

Hi blogger 😀

In reading we too write about figure skating figure skating is very pretty. Figure skating is like your a ballerina but on ice. Girls and boys can do it. It was first in the Olympics in 1976.

I like this create task because it’s really pretty and figure skating it’s very cool I think I might do that when I grew up.

Hope you enjoy my poster about it bye ✌✌✌


Week 6 year 4s

Hi bloggers

The year 4 had to make a copy of the slides and then we’re here to choose the Pokémon and if we have to write about it we did it and there we only did it because they were fire and Sixers they had to do sports good luck with them.

I like this because I am like a nerd about Pokémon ’cause I collect all slots of Pokemon cards

Hope you have a good day bye

Writing Week 6

Hi bloggers 😀

in the writing week 6 we do right a narrative my character’s name is Zoe We are here to do solution problem character and hooks. Narrative writing means when something’s not real or it didn’t actually happen.

I like this create task because I love writing and I actually have a friend called when she’s so sweet and pretty cool. I really like narrative writing cuz I really like making stuff up it’s quite fun.

Hope you have a good day bye ✌



Once there was a girl called Zoe and she wanted to get near nature and animals more so she went on to a boat to a desert island but in the boat crashed BOOM went the boat She was stuck on island but it’s OK because she loves animals and nature she made little house out of sticks and Wood

She saw a button. She slowly walked to it just in case something came out to try and scare her. But when she pressed it she didn’t know where it came from or some put it there on purpose. But she heard a noise like a door opening but she didn’t see it. She was looking everywhere but then she gave up and went to her cozy house. The next day she saw the door she went inside but then the door closed behind her she didn’t know what to do because she was trapped then she said a shadow was in close and closer to her. Thank you so it was a hideous Beast She was screaming and screaming so someone could have her but no one came until a little boy called Bob came.Together they killed the Beast.And then I fix the boat and with all the way back home so end or is it Pick up married in his kids one of them was called Jimmy,bob Junior and Jimmy Junior


Inquiry Week 6 Yay

Hi blogger 😀

In inquiry we hit to make a poster about not to park on the cones or you can only take three minutes to take your kid

what does anyone listen some people do you have to listen if you want to be good and no one wants me good I guess that’s why I made this poster to get people to listen to the cones and only take 3 minutes or drop your kids off on foot path

i like this creator cuz I’m in Eco Club.  but please listen to us we just trying to not get your pay fine take a photo and send it to the police

please do not park on the cone and you have to take at least 3 minutes by Skyler Hall

Create Task Reading Week 6

Hi blooger its Skyler here😀

For reading we here to make a storing map about teamwork it’s a book  all the characters is Lucy Miss Sami and Janet

I do not like this create tasks because it was quite hard because it was a bit hard to understand but I did it so yay

I hate to do character setting problem solution and the title of the journal story

hope you enjoyed my reading create task bye bye✌


Hi bloggers😀

In inquiry we had a list of paralleled people and then we had writing about him or her and i chooses Sophie pascoe

This task was easy because already know about her. Because of  reading.

bye bye have a good day✌

by Skyler Hall